Ascension Island – Comfortless Cove
Comfortless Cove is a beach in the next bay to the north of Long Beach. It was used by vessels infected with yellow fever and was originally called Comfort Cove but it’s name changed and got stuck. It is a small bay and would normally be dismissed out of hand as a beach destination. However, it has one advantage over the majority of beaches on Ascension in that it is possible to swim in the sea here. Much of the sea surrounding the island is too dangerous to swim in, with dangerous currents and breakers making it foolhardy to venture in. Comfortless is about ½ hour walk from Georgetown but, I have been finding out to my cost, nothing is ever straightforward on Ascension. Directions normally consist of ‘follow that road’ while pointing vaguely to a cross-section. After a false start I got more distinct directions and a basic map and headed off. After a good half an hour I was less than halfway there and the day was hotting up, but a kind offer of a lift got me there in much better time....