Adventures in Chiropractic: Part 4, the report

Parts 1, 2 and 3 can be found here , here and here . Background When I started this little investigation I had to decide how to go about it. What would be the premise for me visiting a chiropractor? Something must have made me decide to visit. Would I make up conditions, would I exaggerate minor problems or would I be truthful? I decided to go with truthful, not least because I'm a terrible liar and have a bad memory so would probably forget a key point and get found out. The only thing I did do was give a false surname as I didn't want them to associate me with my sister, mostly because I didn't want anything to reflect badly on her if things went wrong. Fortunately I've been having some issues that could arguably warrant investigating. I get pins and needles in my left hand when I wake up some mornings. It's completely dead and like I'm wearing a very large glove over it, but after a few minutes of consciousness (usually accompanied by rolling off the...